Say hello to our leads!

Susan Kirchhoff & Camila Romo

Program Managers

As co-program managers of the Live Oak Robotics Team we work with all the leads and team members, plan meeting agendas, and coordinate our season objectives. We love robotics because it's a fun activity that is very student run.

Rocco Rodriguez & Athena Fisher

Electrical Leads

In the Electrical Department, our duty is to send power and signals through the robot. We mainly work with the internals of the robot and the hardware so we can power components and tell the robot what to do. We're in charge of managing the robot's electrical components and pneumatic systems. As the lead for the Electrical Department, I will spread my knowledge of the subject and collaborate with the other members of Robotics to make a functioning and efficient robot.

Mikyla Mendoza & Jocelyn Ramirez Rivera

Software Lead

The software department focuses on developing code for different systems on the robot, including the driving system and other mechanisms that interact with our game pieces. A majority of our code is written in Java, and written by students using documentation and libraries provided by FIRST Robotics. I work with my department to research components like sensors and controllers and effectively write code that uses these components in a beneficial way. A specific component we really "enjoy" is the limelight camera, a camera with built in image processing, it can be used to recognize reflective materials, and specific shapes. We hope to have a fun season programming the robot.

Camila Romo & Katie Kieninger

Mechanical Leads


The mechanical department focuses on teaching students each step in the mechanical design process. They will learn how to brainstorm ideas for mechanisms, create 3D renderings of their designs, manufacture each part, and finally assemble it into a complete and functioning mechanism. As a lead, it is my job to share my knowledge and help students explore all that mechanical engineering has to offer.

Sofia Barreras

Business Lead


The Business Department advertises our team through our social media, website, and merchandise. They also set up fundraising opportunities and lead communications with sponsors to provide funding for our team. The business team takes care of marketing for our FRC program and all behind the scenes activities. They encourage my team to utilize creativity in the workforce and teach them to be confident in their thoughts and ideas.